Creative Strategy

Uncovering a Brand’s Potential

Creative Strategy development is all about discovering and formulating a brand’s personality. Just like people, all brands have one. Just like people, they aren’t all attractive or likable. Yet many brands pay little attention to the personality that has evolved alongside their organization. It’s often hardest for leadership to see – because they’re simply too close to it. However, a consistent, cohesive, unifying brand position is crucial to effective market awareness and recognition of your brand.

Liquid Media has partnered with all kinds of organizations and businesses to help them see how their brand stands today – and all it could be with a little effort and attention.

Just Who Is Your Brand?

What is its style? Is it well-liked? How does it speak? Who is listening? How can we speak clearer and more persuasively – to the right people?

Liquid Media’s creative strategy development process is designed to answer these questions – and many more.

Phase I: Discovery

Deep Dive with you and your team

Identify strengths

Delineate differentiators

Gather tonal cues

Segment & empathize with audiences

Pick up on brand voice

Nail down goals, challenges & obstacles

If necessary, meet with clients, customers and other stakeholders

Phase II:

This is creative alchemy – distilling the brand and its personality down to their most fundamental, irreducible elements, while encouraging propagation of new ideas and insights. Since this is where the magic happens, we can’t say much more…

Phase III:

Phase 2’s crystallized insights help determine the functional and operational aspects we will expand on in Phase 3. They also provide a sniff test to cull ideas. We use these insights to develop key points of the Creative Strategy itself.



Execution Concepts

Tone of Voice

Personality Characteristics

Audience Segmentation

Copy Platform(s) per Audience

Media Recommendations

Phase IV:

The moment of truth. We present our findings, ideas and Creative Strategy back to you. We typically explore a few different options, much like trying on a few different outfits to see which feels just right.

Phase V:

The next step is using our agreed-upon creative strategy to inform all communication, messaging and other iterations of brand identity:

The result is a cohesive, effective brand position everyone can agree on.

When brand leadership can agree about who they are, what they represent, who they’re speaking to and what the goals are, this results in a brand your clients, customers and competitors recognize and understand.

It becomes a brand with impact, strength and meaning.

Ready for Your Brand to Come of Age?

The Ultimate Brand Toolbox


While Liquid Media is eager to help with brand strategy you can also trust us to utilize many other insights and methods to drive customers to you.


Custom Design
Results-Driven Architecture
Search Engine Optimization
No Sticky Contracts


Brand Identity Development
Logo Design
Online & Print Design


Scripting to 4K Video
Social Media to Documentaries
TV Spots to Corporate Videos
Custom Graphics

Social Media

Strategy & Management
Growth & Engagement
Custom Photo & Video Content
Influencer & Reputation Management

Our Clients Have Spoken



68 Google Reviews

"A Critical Part of Our Success!"

Keith Smith

Surgery Center of Oklahoma

"Professional Creative & Fun!"

Gayle Berry


"Social Media Experts!"

Frank McDonald

TLC Garden Centers

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