Liquid Media Marketing and Advertising Services in OKC and Beyond

Masterpiece Smiles

Results that make you smile.

Liquid Media Client Masterpiece Smiles Logo
Increased Sales with Social Media | Liquid Media


Increased Sales

“Liquid Media has grown our business in areas we couldn’t have imagined.”

Robert Baumann, D.D.S.


Online Patient Referrals


Increase in New Patients

Social Media Management

“Before our partnership began, we were averaging 25 new patients a month. Now we’re seeing more than 90 new patients a month. That’s huge!”

Ashley Lanman, D.D.S.

Get Impressive Social Media Results | Liquid Media



Dentist Social Media Services | Liquid Media



OKC Dentist Social Media Services | Liquid Media


Audience Growth

Everyone needs a dentist. Not just one age group or demographic. So to reach that audience, Masterpiece Smiles needed a solid social presence. Liquid Media’s social media management team leveraged analytics, curated posts and video content that truly performs to make that presence bigger than ever for Masterpiece Smiles, and the results speak for themselves.

See Our Social Media Pricing

Social Media

“There’s no way we could’ve ever afforded to reach over two million people annually through traditional advertising.”

Robert Baumann, D.D.S.


Video Views

To make social media work for a brand, you need video. It takes engagement levels, straps rocket boosters to them and lights the fuse. That’s what we did for Masterpiece Smiles, resulting in unbelievable impressions and video views – and a direct return for the practice in terms of a steady stream of new patients.

Check Out More Video Samples and Learn
How We Work

Website Design for Oklahoma Dentists | Liquid Media

Website Development

“Since working together, we’ve been able to hire more doctors, see more patients and share our story in a way that resonates with our community.”

Robert Baumann, D.D.S.


Website Visits

Liquid Media’s fully modernized and forward-thinking redesign of Masterpiece Smiles’ website integrated responsive design, an inviting color palette, helpful videos and the ability for patients to request appointments online.

Responsive Website Design Oklahoma | Liquid Media
Dentist Website Design and Development Services | Liquid Media

See Our Website Pricing

Google Ads

Name recognition is everything in the dental world. You want a name you can trust, a name you’ve heard before. Liquid Media worked to cultivate a cadence of the appearance of name “Masterpiece Smiles” for people in the target area searching for anything related to dentistry:

1. Google Search

Search engine optimization on the website, coupled with an expertly managed paid search campaign, helped Masterpiece maintain a position at the top of search results.

2. Display & Retargeting

Liquid Media tracked those who expressed interest in Masterpiece or dentistry in general, then retargeted them with display ads specific to their interests.

3. Youtube Pre-Roll

People who searched or clicked on dentistry pages were retargeted with video ads on YouTube, which only cost the client pennies per view – and only if the user watched most of the video.



10.44 CTR

2X the national dentistry CTR

See our Google Ads pricing


A photo is worth a thousand words – but a professionally shot, custom photo is worth far more still.

Business photography example. A dentist wearing teal gloves examines the teeth of a smiling senior patient.
Lifestyle photography example for Masterpiece Smiles of two medical professionals looking at a clipboard together.
Example of professional photography done for OKC business Masterpiece Smiles. A female patient holds up a sign that reads 'plaque is wack' while a dental hygienist behind her smiles.
Lifestyle photography example of a dentist smiling at the camera. Dental equipment can be seen behind him.
Lifestyle photography example for dental practice Masterpiece Smiles. A dental professional is using a computer to look at an x-ray of a jaw and a model of someone's teeth. Spots are marked with colored dots.
Masterpiece Smiles Custom Team Member Photography | Liquid Media
Masterpiece Smiles Custom Team Photography | Liquid Media
Masterpiece Smiles Custom Team Member Photography  Liquid Media
Masterpiece Smiles Custom Team Member Photography  Liquid Media
Masterpiece Smiles Custom Team Member Photography | Liquid Media

About Masterpiece Smiles

Founded in 1978, Masterpiece Smiles has always been something of a dental trailblazer

They were Oklahoma City’s first dental clinic to offer sleep sedation, and kept innovating through the years with offerings like the Cavity Laser, Zoom! Teeth Whitening, Invisalign and much more.

Our Clients Have Spoken



72 Google Reviews

"A Critical Part of Our Success!"

Keith Smith

Surgery Center of Oklahoma

"Professional, Creative & Fun!"

Gayle Berry


"Social Media Experts!"

Jennifer Anderson

Triad Eye Institute

Liquid Media Marketing Agency - Design, Web, Social, Video and Google Ads

Let Us Tell Your Story

Design, Web, Social, Video and Google Ads - Liquid Media Marketing Agency