Santos Sinus Center
Just what the doctor ordered.

New Patient Increase
“Grand slam.”
Perry Santos, MD
Otolaryngologist & Santos Sinus Center Owner
How did we do it?
Logo Design
Dr. Santos needed differentiation.
He needed to stand out from the pack of individual doctors and feel substantial. Therefore we named his practice Santos Sinus Center – a name with weight and credibility. We then designed a fresh, modern logo.

Bring Your Brand up to Speed – in a Way That Feels True to Who You Are
Custom Video & Photography
“The photo and video shoots have paid for themselves over and over. It’s been a few years, but they’re still getting used regularly and they still feel fresh.”
Perry Santos, MD
Nothing can supercharge brand presence like custom photo and video. We did just that for Santos Sinus Center, with breathtaking photography and a series of patient and physician interviews. The results have been staggering.
Video Views in 2023
Check Out More Samples of Videos and Learn How We Work
Check Out More Video Samples and Learn
How We Work
A photo is worth a thousand words – but a professionally shot, custom photo is worth far more still.

Website Design
“I still get compliments from colleagues and patients on the website.”
Perry Santos, MD
With virtually zero online presence, there was a lot to improve on – but also an immense amount of information to be gathered, organized, synthesized and presented digitally. We set to work and created a beautiful and intuitive site, showcasing Dr. Santos through the custom video and photography we created.

See Our Website Pricing
See Our Social Media Pricing
About Santos Sinus Center
“Liquid Media has done a phenomenal job for us. It’s been just extraordinary – the numbers are kind of unbelievable.”
Perry Santos, MD
After decades in practice and a consummate leader in the field of otolaryngology, Dr. Perry Santos decided to start his own practice. However, the competitive landscape in which he landed proved challenging. He couldn’t find patients – or, rather, they couldn’t find him. Dr. Santos handed over the branding and marketing reins to Liquid Media, and trusted us while he focused on what he does best.
Our Clients Have Spoken
74 Google Reviews
"A Critical Part of Our Success!"
"Professional, Creative & Fun!"
"Social Media Experts!"

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