Swadley’s BBQ + Liquid Media

Breaking records

Liquid Media Restaurant Client Swadley's BBQ
Swadleys BBQ Marketing Results with Liquid Media



“We hired Liquid Media and then had a record-breaking year.”

Koltan Swadley, VP of Operations

Highest sales & profits ever

Multiple record-breaking weeks in a row

Best two weeks back to back ever

How We Smoked the Competition

Website Reimagining

When we first began working together, Swadley’s web presence was splintered, with different sites for restaurants, catering, and their emergency response arm, S.E.R.T. And none of it celebrated their tireless dedication to craft-smoked BBQ.

Being BBQ lovers ourselves, we were plenty eager to get to know the Swadley’s family – and their recipes – well.

Much like the Swadley family, Swadley’s digital presence was humble and modest. It didn’t brag about what made their Oklahoma hickory-smoked deliciousness better than everyone else.

This was our challenge – reinventing Swadley’s website to detail and celebrate the devotion the entire family has to filling your family’s table with irresistible southern fare – served up with traditional southern hospitality to match.

To that end, the site features shots of smokers, tender brisket being sliced, and entire section detailing the process, meats and sides that make Swadley’s a big cut above the rest, along with a copy platform that celebrates the accomplishment of replicable smokehouse authenticity.

Website Development for Restaurants in OKC | Liquid Media
Restaurant Website Design OKC | Liquid Media

The site features shots of smokers, tender brisket being sliced, and entire section detailing the process, meats and sides that make Swadley’s a big cut above the rest, along with a copy platform that celebrates the accomplishment of replicable smokehouse authenticity.

Website Design for Local Restaurant | Liquid Media

“Liquid Media was a true partner in revitalizing our website. They made it pain-free and fun.”

Koltan Swadley, VP of Operations

See Our Website Pricing

(Very) Social Media

All our work on reimagining how Swadley’s online presence could better tell their story wouldn’t mean much if no one saw it, so our social media team set to work deliciously bringing that narrative into the social realm.

Food Social Media Campaigns | Liquid Media

It was clear that nobody knew Swadley’s culture and culinary creations like the Swadleys family themselves. So, instead of attempting to mandate content to Swadley’s, we teamed up to pair their intimate smokehouse knowledge with our social savvy. Our social efforts have been a partnership ever since. We offer our insights on overall direction, editing and tone – but we trust Swadley’s to best tell their own story. And do they ever tell it!

“None of the agencies we worked with before gave me a peek behind the social media curtain like this. The reporting and monthly campaign feedback is amazing.”

Peyton Swadley, Marketing
Social Media Design OKC | Liquid Media
Social Media Campaigns Oklahoma | Liquid Media
Social Media Design | Liquid Media
Social Media Campaign Development | Liquid Media

September 2023 – AUGUST 2024

4.7 M



Instagram Audience Growth

167.6 K


1-Year Social Performance



Impressions Increase


Engagement Increase


Link Click Increase

See Our Social Media Pricing

Custom Photography

We could spend days writing flowery descriptions of honey-basted racks of ribs, smoky-sweet burnt ends and crispy fried okra, but the truth is this: nothing does the job of conveying how delicious Swadley’s offerings are like professional photography.

We dedicated many hours to capturing every step in the process, every smiling face and every mouthwatering shot of finished products. The results speak for themselves. We dare you to peruse these shots without getting hungry.

Photography for Local OKC Businesses | Liquid Media
Website Food Photography OKC | Liquid Media
Custom Restaurant Photography OKC | Liquid Media
Professional Food Photography OKC | Liquid Media
Lifestyle Food Photography | Liquid Media
Food Photography in OKC | Liquid Media

The Results

“It’s been our biggest year ever – the kind of results that really stick to your ribs, you know?”

Koltan Swadley, VP of Operations

Now, since we have to admit that we didn’t smoke a single rib, bus a table or train a new smoker, we can’t claim full credit for Swadley’s astounding success since we took over their account. As Swadley’s VP of Operations Koltan Swadley explained, it was a team effort, including strong store leadership, incredible food, culture shifts and strategic price adjustments.

However, you have to admit the skyrocketing numbers do coincide nicely with our partnership. Plus, we just love seeing clients succeed. It’s one thing to witness a record-breaking week, but when the next week breaks that record? Now that’s the good stuff!

Our Clients Have Spoken



72 Google Reviews

"A Critical Part of Our Success!"

Keith Smith

Surgery Center of Oklahoma

"Professional, Creative & Fun!"

Gayle Berry


"Social Media Experts!"

Jennifer Anderson

Triad Eye Institute

Liquid Media Marketing Agency - Design, Web, Social, Video and Google Ads

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